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What is the FotoFacial RF Pro® treatment?

How does the FotoFacial RF Pro® differ from other photorejuvenation procedures?

 How are the FotoFacial RF Pro® treatments performed?

How does the FotoFacial RF Pro® work to improve the appearance of the skin?
How are the FotoFacial RF Pro® treatments performed?

The FotoFacial RF Pro® treatments are simple, office based treatments. The patient is covered with a thin layer of cooling gel and the entire face, chest, hands or arms are treated with a gentle pulse of light and Radiofrequency energy. Each treatment takes about 30 minutes and involves pulses of bright visible light and Radiofrequency energy that are passed into the skin. Because each FotoFacial RF Pro® treatment is gentle, most patients require 5 or 6 FotoFacial® treatments to see the desired results and they are performed every 3 weeks. In certain skin types, a microdermabrasion is performed between FotoFacial® treatments to enhance the penetration of the light and Radiofrequency energy.

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